Closing the Loop

Thank You on typewriterHow often have you wondered what happened later?

Perhaps you passed on a contact to a third party, or gave a reference for someone applying for a new job, or sent someone an article that you thought might interest them…
…and then heard no more.

When this happens to me I am left wondering whether or not my input was valued or just wasting their time. Conversely, even a brief acknowledgement reinforces the link that I feel to that person.

Don’t leave someone hanging after they reach out to you, wondering about the outcome. It’s rude, it looks bad, and it actually has the potential to create negative consequences.

The way to close the loop is simple: no matter the outcome, no matter if the news is good or bad, be sure to follow up and share what happened.

At the end of the day, people appreciate recognition and follow-through. While you certainly don’t have to go overboard and send a bunch of roses, a simple note to close the loop can mean the difference between maintaining a two-way relationship and tainting a once-good bond.

Go on, have a quick think about who you want to say “Thank You” to today…

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