You can transform your personal happiness by doing a five-day work out during the Twixtmas break – the period between Christmas and New Year. By following some easy-to-do ‘happiness workout’ tips you can make yourself happier, ready to step into 2011 with more optimism and energy.
Today’s assignment – Write about something good you have done for someone else.
For me, there is a risk of being self-serving by writing about what I have done for others, a risk that I write about something that I think I have done when the recipient has a different view. In some of our trainings we explore the parallel concepts of “Self- or Others-Focus” Some who thinks or acts in a Self-Focussed way is primarily concerned about the implications for them personally of any situation, the Others-Focussed approach is more concerned with the impact on others than on themselves. I admit to being largely self-focussed and am a fan of the psychologies that suggest that ultimately we are all self-focussed, with even others-focussed individuals acting at some deep level to satisfy a self-focussed psychological drive (at a simple level you might think of this as doing things for others because it makes you feel good).
Anyway, what good have I done for someone else? During the ‘volcano crisis’ in early 2010 when flights around Europe were cancelled for several days I was ‘trapped’ in France and needed to get back for a client. I was formulating a plan to hire a car, drive to La Manche, get a ferry across… when I met a couple who were in a similar position (they were staying with someone for whom my sister cleans) and also needed to get back. Without hesistation I offered them a couple of seats in my car if they could get themselves a ferry crossing. The plan came off perfectlyand I was delighted to subsequenlty receive a contribution to the costs and to find that my generosity was being talked about in France. Sometimes, life just feels good.
So, what are you going to write about?