Do pay attention!

Pay attention to detailI came across this quotation (apparently from a movie – do you know which one, becasue I don’t?) recently…

“Wars are won one battle at a time. Battles are won one bullet at a time.”

We all need to keep our eye on the big picture, but when this gets in the way of the detail then there is a risk that the war will be lost one battle at a time.

A friend of mine, Julie Kay, recently wrote in her blog about ‘caring’ and it struck me that there is a resonance here – if I really care about what I am doing then I will do it to the best of my ability, getting it right first time and avoiding re-work and wasted effort.

Often getting the detail right can make or break getting the job right. If this is the case and someone says “I don’t do detail”, are they in the right job?

How about you commit to excellence to day? Do every job as if it really really mattered.

2 Replies to “Do pay attention!”

  1. I was brought up with the motto “If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well”. And that went right across the board from exam revision to washing pots.
    I still live by that mantra. There’s no satisfaction in doing a job – any job – half-heartedly.

    (Can’t help with the film that quote came from though!)

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