“Mediation, conflict resolution and coaching”

“Mediation, conflict resolution and coaching”

If you are interested in coaching, especially meeting other local coaches and developing your practice, why not come along to the next meeting of the EMCC Yorkshire Network at the Metier Centre, Albion Place, Leeds on Tuesday 6 December from 17:15 until ca 20:00.

This month’s topic is “Mediation, conflict resolution and coaching” is facilitated by Jean Claude Barjolin

The session will:

– highlight the structure and principles of mediation
– explore some conflict and negotiation models
– identify how you refocus people on what they want, reality test
– using a coaching structure, process and time limits to positive use
– look at conflicts of relationship and of quantitative/distributional nature
– creating safety and neurology principles

Jean-Claude has over 20 years experience in facilitation and development work in the public and private sectors. He is an accredited mediator conducting workplace and commercial mediation, coach and facilitator with a focus on performance, collaboration and conflict resolution.

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