Fear of Failure

fear of failureOften, when coaching clients, I come across those with great ideas who just do not put them into action. Now there can be all sorts of reasons for this, and what I want to explore today is a very common one – Fear of Failure.
If the status quo is OK, there can be a sense of “well, if I try and fail then I will be worse off than now”, or “if it goes wrong then I will get the blame”, or “maybe a better idea will come along…”. All of these make sense to the client and lead to inaction. But inaction also eliminates the possibility of success.


It’s a vicious cycle:

“I fear the possibility of failure…

…that fear leads to inaction…

…which totally eliminates the possibility of success.”

There are times when it’s necessary to just bite the bullet and take some action – my experience is that more often than not all works out well. And even when it doesn’t “There is no failure, only feedback” and I get the chance to learn something.

Go on, make that dream happen – take a small step today.


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