Opportunities are all around us – if only we can see them and take action…
I was just watching a National Geographic TV programme about African wildlife, specifically watching a black-headed crane diligently searching in the grass for the grubs etc that it eats. I noticed a large fly, or maybe flying insect, buzzing around the crane’s head while the crane continued foraging. SUDDENLY the crane flicks its head up and snaffles the tasty treat that had been buzzing around it. The incident left me wondering…
…what opportunities might I be missing that are there all around me but I do not notice because I am so focussed on my current task?
Had Alexander Fleming thrown away that Petrie dish containing the penicillium mould just becasue it was not the desired outcome, who knows how many more people would have died of curable ailments before someone else discovered penicillin? We need to work with the paradox of focussing on a clear outcome whilst remaining open to all and any posibilities.