Finally we get to the last day of this mini-challenge, the day when we turn selfish again and look to our own future. We can’t control the world around us, but we can take action that improves the chances of things working out the way we want – after all, we used to send Santa a list so we stood a chance of getting what we wanted!
Here are Andy’s suggestions, I am sure you can come up with more:
- Write a list of 10 things you will do during 2011
- Count your blessings and ask how you can share your blessings for the year ahead.
- Ask a spiritual question: “Why am I here?”
- Be more creative – aim to think flexibly and ask beautiful questions for every day of 2011.
- Identify 3 action steps to make your goals for 2011 happen now.
Whether you do one of these or something else, make the effort and do something that strengthens your own future.