As a change leadership professional I am often appalled at the slow pace of change in the public sector. Some of it is understandable in that the stakeholder model inevitably requires more consultation etc. However, too many consultees do not seem to understand the difference between consultation and democracy – “I can and will consult you, your views may or may not influence the decision” is very different to “Vote for A or B, I will accept the result of the ballot”. Moreover, I often see a lack of understanding of the need for real involvement, that goes beyond simply holding consultation workshops; it is by really involving people that the deep issues are exposed and addressed and long-term committment to the solution achieved.
What business has to contribute is the urgency and recognition that change can and should happen faster – if I had a philosophy in this arena (and this is a deliberate caricature) it is “make the change and sort any mess out later” (there will always be mess!), whereas the public sector seems to be “try everything we can to avoid any mess” – a forlorn hope. How much more effective could we be if we applied the Pareto Principle rather than trying to get everything 110% right before moving. By the time the public sector has consulted, considered, decided, planned, consulted about the implementation plan, etc, the goalposts have changed!