I have just realised that it is now 3 days since I posted anything in my (various) blogs. Does this bother me? Is there any reason why it should?
Well, no and no. I am reminded that every now and again the appropriate thing to do is ‘nothing’. Oh, if doing nothing is an act of avoidance then get the proverbial finger out…but sometimes what our brains, and those of those with whom we work, needs is space…peace…quietness. It can be all too easy to get on the treadmill of “I must do ….”, well I ask “According to whom?”. Who made that rule “I must do” or, more likely, “I must always be doing”. We all need to just “be” sometimes in order that we can be refreshed for the times we need to do.
Running a car 24 hours a day it will need refuelling occasionally and will wear out a lot quicker than running it for the few hours a day for which it was designed. Well, you are the same – you need refuelling, and not just with food, and you need to rest occasionally.
So, this week’s challenge is to take time out to ‘just be’ occasionally – maybe it’s actually getting away from the desk for a walk, for a sit in the park; maybe it’s a ten minute relaxation session, maybe it’s just stiing in that chair tonight with the television off. Go on, do it for yourself – you know it will make a difference.