What colour pen are you using?

I was sat having lunch and attempting to draw some of the detail of buildings around the central ‘Place’ of Monpazier in SouthWest France when this little gem struck me – “With a black pen, you can only draw shadows”. Now I am no artist, so to some of you that might be no great revelation, but to a change specialist it reminded me of the need to use the right tools for the job.
When exploring how to go about designing and implementing change, one starting point might be to establish whether or not the big challenges are going to be about redesigning the technology or about the people – they need fundamentally different approaches, black pens or coloured pens.
The black pen on a white background might well be appropriate for procedural/processual redesign of how a task is to be done – and PRINCE2 might even be an appropriate tool. There is right and wrong involved, process optimisation, rational decision making and all that stuff that keeps some very expensive large consultancies in business.
Conversely, no matter how good the process you design, without the support of the people involved it can and most likely will fail. There is plenty of evidence about change efforts (including mergers and acquisitions) failing to deliver their stated goals – and almost universally the reasons quoted relate to human issues not technical ones. The mindsets, and tools, associated with technical process design are not necessarily appropriate when the challenge is to engage and motivate the people involved. Any change agent who thinks that people’s attitudes, organisational cultures and the like can be changed to a timetable – “it’s Thursday so it must be Module 17b” – is doomed to failure. The tools of organisation development have many more colours than black and white!
It’s no good using black and white media when you need to paint a coloured picture.